Awww! 🥰 Thank you, Blake Bennetts, for this clip! So glad we blew your mind. 🤩 We love when people say to us at the end of the show, “I didn’t know what to expext.” If you don’t know what to expect at our Olivia Newton-John tribute, you can pretty much expect 90 minutes of fun, energy, 25 of her huge hits from Country to Pop, five costume changes, a Grease mini musical…and 1 rockin’ deep cut from Xanadu!
#olivianewtonjohn #theoliviashow #theoliviashowtribute #oliviashow #oliviashowtribute #grease #johntravolta #sandyolsson #onj #singer #xanadu #youretheonethatiwant #hopelesslydevotedtoyou #olivianewtonjohnforever #dameolivianewtonjohn #twoofakind #songwriter #actress #dannyzuko #hollywood #summernights #olivianewtonjohnfans #physical #lovelylivvy #smusic #musical #ihonestlyloveyou